I am very pleased to see that slumbering giant Australian Higher Education react against the MOOC tidal wave. In a reflective post entitled 'MOOCs : neither a death of a university nor a panacea for learning' Jane Den Hollander the VC of Deakin University gives a balanced view of the disruptive effects MOOCs will inevitably bring.
Here the recognition of the threat:
Those in higher education would be foolish to ignore it [MOOCs] even though outcomes are not clear and many uncertainties exist.
Here the recognition of the opportunity:
MOOCs, and all their iterations, are an opportunity to re-imagine how we can deliver excellent learning outcomes in new, more accessible and engaging ways, fit for 21st century learners and graduates.
But where is the hint of an immediate action plan? Surely a MOOC Disruption Committee should be formed and start meeting within the month, Otherwise the MOOC tidal wave will sweep in and likely decimate the institution.